Hastings & Ron

Business Entity Options

C Corporations

S Corporations

Professional Corporations (PC)

Limited liability companies (LLC)

Limited liability partnerships (LLP)

General Partnerships (GP)

Limited Partnerships (LP)

Family Limited Partnerships (FLP)

Joint Ventures

Business Acquisitions

Business Succession Planning

Sole Proprietorships

Business Formation

Business Formation

If you are considering starting a new company or want to expand an existing commercial enterprise by creating a new entity, Hastings & Ron will help you choose the best legal structure for your new business. Hastings & Ron will carefully examine your business and objectives, and recommend the structure that best protects your business interests. Hastings & Ron understand that the legal foundation of any successful business venture is the proper choice and setup of the entity.

Our experienced business formation attorneys can support you in the creation of any of the following:

C corporations
S corporations
Professional corporations (PC)
Limited liability companies (LLC)
Limited liability partnerships (LLP)
General Partnerships (GP)
Limited partnerships (LP)
Family limited partnerships (FLP)
Joint ventures
Business acquisitions
Business succession
Sole proprietorships

Our attorneys have extensive experience in this area of law and possess the knowledge and resources to handle all issues related to corporate formation, including issues of taxation, liability and financing. You can rely on our proven legal professionals to make sure you understand the potential benefits and drawbacks to any entity choice so that you can make an informed decision about what is best for you and your business.

Our firm helps aspiring business owners turn ideas into viable business opportunities. We accomplish this by seeking on-going relationships with our clients, advising clients on a variety of business formation issues, and routinely helping clients throughout the course of their business.

Once we have helped you select the appropriate tax-conscious entity for your business, we assist you with your business formation. We are experienced with all aspects of incorporation, including drafting and reviewing documents involved in the organization and structuring of your new business entity, which may include:

Articles of incorporation
Operating agreements
Employment agreements and policies
Shareholder agreements
We can help you with all legal aspects of your business startup:

Entity selection We can help you decide whether a corporation, partnership, LLC or other business structure would be the best for you based on your needs and business objectives.

Filing We will help you through every step of the process of filing and registering your business with the California Secretary of States office.

Incorporating documents and procedures We will help you with all aspects of the initial documentation, including articles of incorporation, EIN number, opening minutes, bylaws, your first organization meeting, explanations to stockholders and LLC members, and the information we will file with the secretary of state.

Hastings & Ron advise Northern California businesses of all types and sizes, from the entity formation of a start-up to dissolution, mergers and restructuring. We excel in the drafting of contracts for all aspects of business and business formation. We also focus on civil litigation to resolve business disputes to your satisfaction.

If you are interested in learning how Hastings & Ron can help you reach your business formation goals contact our office to arrange a consultation. Call us today at 209-476-1010.

Hastings & Ron 4568 Feather River Drive Stockton CA 95219 209-476-1010